Alturion, Talent Finder Manage and progress your career

In our profession, people with their rich and diverse skill sets are at the heart of everything we do. For Alturion you are above all a TALENT, and as such, we are pleased to act as your AGENT with the aim of impacting positively on your career plan. To achieve this, your Alturion consultant will work with you to build up a relationship of mutual trust, based on respect for strong ethical values. Alturion's affable approach and diverse networks prove their worth day in day out.

Entrust us with your career plan
Review your situation

On Track with Alturion

Candidates - Your career plan

In a world that is ever more competitive and demanding, both employees and companies find themselves facing new challenges. Growing your talent capital throughout your career is vital.

To empower you to drive your own career plan, Alturion's consultants are committed to providing you one-to-one coaching for successful career transition. Whatever stage you happen to be at in your career or, more generally, in life, our coaching programmes can be tailored to deal with challenges that are particular to your situation. Reports, skills and potential assessments and evaluations, outplacement along with training/retraining; a whole range of opportunities exist that allow you to take time to review your situation and position yourself by taking your future career in hand.

We support you in your career development.
We help you to consider the best options to take and assist you in repositioning yourself if necessary. We also offer you opportunities from among our current openings and thanks to the excellent relationships we maintain with our clients, past candidates and regional networks.

The first step is an interview with a consultant to obtain an overview of your current situation. As a specialist, this analysis will enable your consultant to form an initial opinion of your profile and the nature of your career plan. Together, you can then define the main lines of action to be taken, whether through a directly operational avenue or a more formal coaching process.

Lines of action: if your career plan is directly and clearly compatible with your current situation, we will draw up a contact plan with other talents or companies, either via an internal process with our consultancy for openings to which your profile corresponds, or through an external approach by putting you in touch with our partners, clients and past candidates.

Contact us. It will be our pleasure to meet you in an initial, informal meeting at one of our four offices.


To assess your level of expertise, your ambitions and your position within the organisation, our psychologist consultants are on hand to listen to you and can offer a range of individual profile assessments. An assessment is the starting point essential for reviewing your career plan, all the more so if you happen to be unsure about it.

A career review will allow you to think clearly about your chosen path and can provide impetus, as such enabling you to determine your profile, your strengths and which position is right for you. It will help you understand the market, think more globally, and steer your future career path. When a range of possibilities are in play, it is also an ideal tool for choosing the most interesting option within the company, based on your skills, your motivations and your credentials. To a certain extent, a career review will serve to analyse your professional and personal skills as well as your aptitudes and motivations, and will allow us to define a career plan along with a training programme if necessary. It is organised in a less formal context than a skills assessment, and according to a time frame that is mutually agreed with your consultant.

Le bilan de compétences doit permettre au bénéficiaire de définir un projet professionnel réaliste et réalisable.
- Faire le point sur ses expériences personnelles et professionnelles
- Identifier ses motivations, savoirs, compétences, aptitudes
- Détecter ses propres potentialités au regard du marché
- Mettre en place un plan d’action
Le bilan de compétences entre dans le champ d’applications relatives à la formation professionnelle continue. Il répond à ce titre à des caractéristiques précises (formulation de la demande, durée et déroulement, règles de déontologie, livrables et suivi).


Whether as part of or outside an action or training plan assessment aimed at either progressing your present position or leading to greater responsibility, or whether simply to improve comfort and confidence levels in your current post, assessment is undoubtedly a valuable springboard for transition. It gives salaried executives an excellent opportunity to identify their strengths (or comfort zones), as well as discover and appropriate any "grey areas".

The aim is to determine the shortest path that will allow you to achieve a set objective (your most accessible grey area). Great thinkers have left us many tools in the area of philosophy as well as performance management.

At Alturion, we have selected some of these tools to put together a comprehensive set of tests and questionnaires, in line with our values and the expectations of our candidates and clients. From easiest to fastest and online, to the most complex involving two, even three consultants (candidate, observer and assessor), situation simulation, or an in-depth qualifying interview with a psychologist consultant or assessor.

At the end of your assessment, you will have a clearer idea of your strengths, your dominant traits, and those progression areas that are directly accessible. Our report also includes a suggested action plan for exploring your field of development, including, amongst others, coaching, training and career review.

The Alturion method that will boost your career
Get back on track


We support you in your professional development.

We help you think about the best options to take and assist you in repositioning yourself if necessary.

We also offer you opportunities from among our current openings and thanks to the excellent relationships we maintain with our clients, past candidates and regional networks.


The next stage in your career development should be considered an important one as it is an ambitious step in relation to your skills, but also, and perhaps more often, because it is one that is strategic for your career path as well as for the organisation for which you work. You may decide to opt for coaching to consolidate a formalised assessment or evaluation, or simply upon personal reflection or following discussions within your own professional circle. Coaching is a personalised professional guidance service, carried out by our trained and qualified consultants over a set period of time, designed to deliver real results that will have a direct and lasting impact on your professional life.

Strategy alignment : coaching must be aligned with an organisation's strategy and objectives, as well as with other HR-initiated training measures.
RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) : the added value of coaching is greatest when it serves to promote an individual, a working group, management and an organisation. It involves the manager, human resources and other staff by allowing them to be part of its success.
Lasting results: coaching is a continuous learning process that is based on experience. It reveals its real power over time and can be measured by results observable by all in the workplace.
Leadership development: coaching provides support for leaders in their own professional development so that they, in turn, can assist other leaders.
At all levels: coaching can take place at all levels, for any leadership position within an organisation.
Behaviour: many aspects of coaching fall under the area of behaviour. This means they can be learned and developed.
Agility: coaching benefits managers who work in complex and paradoxical environments, empowering them to be flexible and to manage challenging situations.


Outplacement involves supporting a career transition, allowing you to take a fresh look at your career path and to benefit from support when faced with a major career change.

Those who opt for career support via outplacement find a position twice as quickly as others.

...and if you are an ex-forces officer

Comprehensive support solution

At the end of your career in the forces, you will be eager to thrive with the greatest chance of success as you embark upon a new, corporate career. For you, our consultant team specialising in careers for ex-forces officers has set up two support solutions: COMPREHENSIVE AND FLASH. Adapted to your rank and experience, our bespoke solutions will enable you to optimise your comeback to working civilian life.
Lasting six to nine months, our COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT SOLUTION comprises three stages of around two to three months:
+ Phase 1: Preparation and Assessment:
-Assessment of your personal and professional potential: knowledge, expertise, interpersonal skills (including self-portrait, personality tests, 360-degree testing).
-Compilation of your personal and professional development plan (PPDP).  
+ Phase 2: JST and search campaign:
-Job search strategy and techniques (JST): CV, covering letter, presentation, telephoning, networks and interviews.
-Active research: tools for successful job hunting.
+ Phase 3: Personalised follow-up:
-Face-to-face interviews with your consultant, training, recruitment and network interviews combined with campaign follow-up workshops. 


Flash support solution

Our FLASH SUPPORT SOLUTION is designed to empower you, within a specific time-scale, to immediately start exploring job opportunities. Once in this position, our consultants will prepare you for your first contacts with companies that are recruiting. Two-month support programme. 
Position and toolkit.

Position and employability plan (month one)
- Analysis and perspectives (interpersonal skills/self-portrait/360-degree assessment /personality tests)
- Removing obstacles specific to military profiles
- Communication adapted to civilian contacts. 
Strategy and toolbox (month two)
-Setting up a strategy adapted to a ready career plan or one to be drawn up
-Perfecting essential tools (CV/covering letter/digital identity, etc.)
-Appropriating job search techniques (hidden market and open market)
-Training in standard interviews (network and recruitment interviews).
- Make yourself heard in the civilian world
-Empower yourself to look for jobs independently and with confidence 


Set up or take over a business

Combining its expertise in project management and career transition, ALTURION has developed a specific offering to accompany future entrepreneurs, future business buyers and future business starters.

In synergy with standard "business players" involved in starting or buying a business (CRA, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Réseau Entreprendre, lawyers and chartered accountants). 
We offer future entrepreneurs: 
-A personal assessment that incorporates a family dimension, a factor every entrepreneur should always keep sight of, 
- A career assessment that incorporates the position and skills required of an entrepreneur, making it possible to identify the project proposer's strengths as well as areas that require attention, 
-A suitable methodology for drawing up a detailed brief covering all aspects of a project including sector(s) of activity, investors and location,
-A feasibility study that incorporates elements of a candidate's career assessment and resources that are available or realistically obtainable,
-In the case of a takeover, support in researching and evaluating suitable targets,
-Support in drawing up a business plan or even in sourcing finance,
-Possibility of an individual entrepreneur support programme once a business has been set up or taken over. 
ALTURION offers a support service specifically adapted to suit ex-forces officers in complementarity with institutional arrangements proposed by the Ministry of Defence.


Ethics at the heart of our business

At Alturion we attach great importance to the respect of fundamental human values, and we adopt an unbiased and honest stance during all processes:
+ Integrity, confidentiality, respect: 
We inform you about all recruitment stages, respect your choices and know how to be unobtrusive. Alturion is committed to processing and protecting personal data received via our site in a professional, ethical manner and in accordance with current regulations.
+ Open-minded, personable, available: 
We accompany you from your initial job application through to onboarding, as this final step is one that is crucial. Smooth integration is above all effective communication between all players.
+ Listen, feed back and advise: 
As your agent, we have a common interest: to source your next professional adventure. The post that corresponds to what you are looking for and that matches your skills. That is why we advise you, from your very first interview with an Alturion consultant through to your onboarding in a new corporate position, and provide client feedback along the way, whether positive or not, as there is something to be gained from every experience.


[Nos offres d'emploi]